本エントリは言語処理100本ノック 2020の4章を解いてみたので、それの備忘です。
第4章: 形態素解析
なお,問題37, 38, 39はmatplotlibもしくはGnuplotを用いるとよい.
# $ mecab INPUT -o OUTPUT の形式でファイルを引数に取って形態素解析を実行できます mecab neko.txt -o neko.txt.mecab
一 名詞,数,*,*,*,*,一,イチ,イチ EOS EOS 記号,空白,*,*,*,*, , , 吾輩 名詞,代名詞,一般,*,*,*,吾輩,ワガハイ,ワガハイ は 助詞,係助詞,*,*,*,*,は,ハ,ワ 猫 名詞,一般,*,*,*,*,猫,ネコ,ネコ で 助動詞,*,*,*,特殊・ダ,連用形,だ,デ,デ ある 助動詞,*,*,*,五段・ラ行アル,基本形,ある,アル,アル 。 記号,句点,*,*,*,*,。,。,。 EOS 名前 名詞,一般,*,*,*,*,名前,ナマエ,ナマエ
30. 形態素解析結果の読み込み
""" 形態素解析結果(neko.txt.mecab)を読み込むプログラムを実装せよ. ただし,各形態素は表層形(surface),基本形(base),品詞(pos),品詞細分類1(pos1)をキーとするマッピング型に格納し, 1文を形態素(マッピング型)のリストとして表現せよ.第4章の残りの問題では,ここで作ったプログラムを活用せよ. """ def parse_morpheme(morpheme): (surface, attr) = morpheme.split('\t') attr = attr.split(',') morpheme_dict = { 'surface': surface, 'base': attr[6], 'pos': attr[0], 'pos1': attr[1] } return morpheme_dict file = 'neko.txt.mecab' with open(file, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: morphemes_list = [s.strip('EOS\n') for s in f.readlines()] morphemes_list = [s for s in morphemes_list if s != ''] ans_list = list(map(parse_morpheme, morphemes_list)) print(ans_list[:5])
[{'surface': '一', 'base': '一', 'pos': '名詞', 'pos1': '数'}, {'surface': '\u3000', 'base': '\u3000', 'pos': '記号', 'pos1': '空白'}, {'surface': '吾輩', 'base': '吾輩', 'pos': '名詞', 'pos1': '代名詞'}, {'surface': 'は', 'base': 'は', 'pos': '助詞', 'pos1': '係助詞'}, {'surface': '猫', 'base': '猫', 'pos': '名詞', 'pos1': '一般'}]
31. 動詞
""" 動詞の表層形をすべて抽出せよ. """ def parse_morpheme(morpheme): (surface, attr) = morpheme.split('\t') attr = attr.split(',') morpheme_dict = { 'surface': surface, 'base': attr[6], 'pos': attr[0], 'pos1': attr[1] } return morpheme_dict def get_value(items, get_type, key, value): return [x[get_type] for x in items if key in x and get_type in x and x[key] == value] file = 'neko.txt.mecab' with open(file, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: morphemes_list = [s.strip('EOS\n') for s in f.readlines()] morphemes_list = [s for s in morphemes_list if s != ''] ans_list = list(map(parse_morpheme, morphemes_list)) ans = get_value(ans_list, 'surface', 'pos', '動詞') print(ans[:5])
['生れ', 'つか', 'し', '泣い', 'し']
32. 動詞の原形
""" 動詞の原形をすべて抽出せよ. """ def parse_morpheme(morpheme): (surface, attr) = morpheme.split('\t') attr = attr.split(',') morpheme_dict = { 'surface': surface, 'base': attr[6], 'pos': attr[0], 'pos1': attr[1] } return morpheme_dict def get_value(items, get_type, key, value): return [x[get_type] for x in items if key in x and get_type in x and x[key] == value] file = 'neko.txt.mecab' with open(file, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: morphemes_list = [s.strip('EOS\n') for s in f.readlines()] morphemes_list = [s for s in morphemes_list if s != ''] ans_list = list(map(parse_morpheme, morphemes_list)) ans = get_value(ans_list, 'base', 'pos', '動詞') print(ans[:5])
['生れる', 'つく', 'する', '泣く', 'する']
33. 「AのB」
""" 2つの名詞が「の」で連結されている名詞句を抽出せよ. """ def parse_morpheme(morpheme): (surface, attr) = morpheme.split('\t') attr = attr.split(',') morpheme_dict = { 'surface': surface, 'base': attr[6], 'pos': attr[0], 'pos1': attr[1] } return morpheme_dict def get_value(items): return [items[i-1]['surface'] + x['surface'] + items[i+1]['surface'] for i, x in enumerate(items) if x['surface'] == 'の' and items[i-1]['pos'] == '名詞' and items[i+1]['pos'] == '名詞'] file = 'neko.txt.mecab' with open(file, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: morphemes_list = [s.strip('EOS\n') for s in f.readlines()] morphemes_list = [s for s in morphemes_list if s != ''] ans_list = list(map(parse_morpheme, morphemes_list)) ans = get_value(ans_list) print(ans[:5])
+ の
+ 名詞
['彼の掌', '掌の上', '書生の顔', 'はずの顔', '顔の真中']
34. 名詞の連接
""" 名詞の連接(連続して出現する名詞)を最長一致で抽出せよ. """ def parse_morpheme(morpheme): (surface, attr) = morpheme.split('\t') attr = attr.split(',') morpheme_dict = { 'surface': surface, 'base': attr[6], 'pos': attr[0], 'pos1': attr[1] } return morpheme_dict def get_value(items): ret = [] noun_list = [] for i, x in enumerate(items): if x['pos'] == '名詞': if items[i+1]['pos'] == '名詞': noun_list.append(x['surface']) else: if len(noun_list) >= 1: noun_list.append(x['surface']) ret.append(noun_list) noun_list = [] return ret file = 'neko.txt.mecab' with open(file, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: morphemes_list = [s.strip('EOS\n') for s in f.readlines()] morphemes_list = [s for s in morphemes_list if s != ''] ans_list = list(map(parse_morpheme, morphemes_list)) ans = get_value(ans_list) print(ans[:5])
[['人間', '中'], ['一番', '獰悪'], ['時', '妙'], ['一', '毛'], ['その後', '猫']]
35. 単語の出現頻度
""" 文章中に出現する単語とその出現頻度を求め,出現頻度の高い順に並べよ. """ import pandas as pd from collections import defaultdict def parse_morpheme(morpheme): (surface, attr) = morpheme.split('\t') attr = attr.split(',') morpheme_dict = { 'surface': surface, 'base': attr[6], 'pos': attr[0], 'pos1': attr[1] } return morpheme_dict def get_value(items): return [x['surface'] for x in items] def get_freq(value): def generate_ngrams(text, n_gram=1): token = [token for token in text.lower().split(" ") if token != "" if token] ngrams = zip(*[token[i:] for i in range(n_gram)]) return [" ".join(ngram) for ngram in ngrams] freq_dict = defaultdict(int) for sent in value: for word in generate_ngrams(str(sent)): freq_dict[word] += 1 fd_sorted = pd.DataFrame(sorted(freq_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[::-1]) fd_sorted.columns = ['word', 'word_count'] return fd_sorted file = 'neko.txt.mecab' with open(file, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: morphemes_list = [s.strip('EOS\n') for s in f.readlines()] morphemes_list = [s for s in morphemes_list if s != ''] ans_list = list(map(parse_morpheme, morphemes_list)) ans = get_value(ans_list) ans = get_freq(ans) print(ans.head())
word word_count 0 の 9194 1 。 7486 2 て 6868 3 、 6772 4 は 6420
36. 頻度上位10語
""" 出現頻度が高い10語とその出現頻度をグラフ(例えば棒グラフなど)で表示せよ. """ import pandas as pd from collections import defaultdict import plotly.express as px from plotly.offline import plot def parse_morpheme(morpheme): (surface, attr) = morpheme.split('\t') attr = attr.split(',') morpheme_dict = { 'surface': surface, 'base': attr[6], 'pos': attr[0], 'pos1': attr[1] } return morpheme_dict def get_value(items): return [x['surface'] for x in items] def get_freq(value): def generate_ngrams(text, n_gram=1): token = [token for token in text.lower().split(" ") if token != "" if token] ngrams = zip(*[token[i:] for i in range(n_gram)]) return [" ".join(ngram) for ngram in ngrams] freq_dict = defaultdict(int) for sent in value: for word in generate_ngrams(str(sent)): freq_dict[word] += 1 fd_sorted = pd.DataFrame(sorted(freq_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[::-1]) fd_sorted.columns = ['word', 'word_count'] return fd_sorted.head(10) file = 'neko.txt.mecab' with open(file, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: morphemes_list = [s.strip('EOS\n') for s in f.readlines()] morphemes_list = [s for s in morphemes_list if s != ''] ans_list = list(map(parse_morpheme, morphemes_list)) ans = get_value(ans_list) ans = get_freq(ans) fig = px.bar( ans.sort_values('word_count'), y='word', x='word_count', text='word_count', orientation='h', ) fig.update_traces( texttemplate='%{text:.2s}', textposition='auto', ) fig.update_layout( title=str('頻度上位10語'), xaxis_title=str('出現数'), yaxis_title=str('単語'), width=1000, height=500, ) plot(fig, filename='ans_36_plot.html', auto_open=False)
実行すると、実行ディレクトリ にans_36_plot.html
37. 「猫」と共起頻度の高い上位10語
""" 「猫」とよく共起する(共起頻度が高い)10語とその出現頻度をグラフ(例えば棒グラフなど)で表示せよ. """ import pandas as pd from collections import defaultdict import plotly.express as px from plotly.offline import plot def parseMecab(block): res = [] for line in block.split('\n'): if line == '': return res (surface, attr) = line.split('\t') attr = attr.split(',') lineDict = { 'surface': surface, 'base': attr[6], 'pos': attr[0], 'pos1': attr[1] } res.append(lineDict) def extract(block): return [b['base'] for b in block] filename = 'neko.txt.mecab' with open(filename, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: blockList = f.read().split('EOS\n') blockList = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', blockList)) blockList = [parseMecab(block) for block in blockList] wordList = [extract(block) for block in blockList] wordList = list(filter(lambda x: '猫' in x, wordList)) d = defaultdict(int) for word in wordList: for w in word: if w != '猫': d[w] += 1 ans = sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:10] ans = pd.DataFrame(ans) ans.columns = ['word', 'word_count'] fig = px.bar( ans.sort_values('word_count'), y='word', x='word_count', text='word_count', orientation='h', ) fig.update_traces( texttemplate='%{text:.2s}', textposition='auto', ) fig.update_layout( title=str('「猫」との共起回数上位10語'), xaxis_title=str('「猫」との共起数'), yaxis_title=str('単語'), width=1000, height=500, ) plot(fig, filename='ans_37_plot.html', auto_open=False)
— takapy | たかぱい (@takapy0210) 2020年5月4日
(共起回数を計算できる形式でデータを読み込んで無かった) pic.twitter.com/4R4iWKReuL
実行すると、実行ディレクトリ にans_37_plot.html
38. ヒストグラム
""" 単語の出現頻度のヒストグラム(横軸に出現頻度,縦軸に出現頻度をとる単語の種類数を棒グラフで表したもの)を描け. """ import pandas as pd from collections import defaultdict import plotly.express as px from plotly.offline import plot def parse_morpheme(morpheme): (surface, attr) = morpheme.split('\t') attr = attr.split(',') morpheme_dict = { 'surface': surface, 'base': attr[6], 'pos': attr[0], 'pos1': attr[1] } return morpheme_dict def get_value(items): return [x['surface'] for x in items] def get_freq(value): def generate_ngrams(text, n_gram=1): token = [token for token in text.lower().split(" ") if token != "" if token] ngrams = zip(*[token[i:] for i in range(n_gram)]) return [" ".join(ngram) for ngram in ngrams] freq_dict = defaultdict(int) for sent in value: for word in generate_ngrams(str(sent)): freq_dict[word] += 1 fd_sorted = pd.DataFrame(sorted(freq_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[::-1]) fd_sorted.columns = ['word', 'word_count'] return fd_sorted file = 'neko.txt.mecab' with open(file, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: morphemes_list = [s.strip('EOS\n') for s in f.readlines()] morphemes_list = [s for s in morphemes_list if s != ''] ans_list = list(map(parse_morpheme, morphemes_list)) ans = get_value(ans_list) ans = get_freq(ans) fig = px.histogram(ans, x='word_count', nbins=50) fig.update_layout( title=str('単語の出現頻度のヒストグラム'), xaxis_title=str('出現頻度'), yaxis_title=str('単語の種類数'), width=1000, height=500, ) plot(fig, filename='ans_38_plot.html', auto_open=False)
実行すると、実行ディレクトリ にans_38_plot.html
39. Zipfの法則
""" 単語の出現頻度順位を横軸,その出現頻度を縦軸として,両対数グラフをプロットせよ. """ import pandas as pd import math from collections import defaultdict import plotly.express as px from plotly.offline import plot def parse_morpheme(morpheme): (surface, attr) = morpheme.split('\t') attr = attr.split(',') morpheme_dict = { 'surface': surface, 'base': attr[6], 'pos': attr[0], 'pos1': attr[1] } return morpheme_dict def get_value(items): return [x['surface'] for x in items] def get_freq(value): def generate_ngrams(text, n_gram=1): token = [token for token in text.lower().split(" ") if token != "" if token] ngrams = zip(*[token[i:] for i in range(n_gram)]) return [" ".join(ngram) for ngram in ngrams] freq_dict = defaultdict(int) for sent in value: for word in generate_ngrams(str(sent)): freq_dict[word] += 1 fd_sorted = pd.DataFrame(sorted(freq_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[::-1]) fd_sorted.columns = ['word', 'word_count'] return fd_sorted file = 'neko.txt.mecab' with open(file, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: morphemes_list = [s.strip('EOS\n') for s in f.readlines()] morphemes_list = [s for s in morphemes_list if s != ''] ans_list = list(map(parse_morpheme, morphemes_list)) ans = get_value(ans_list) ans = get_freq(ans) ans['rank_log'] = [math.log(r + 1) for r in range(len(ans))] ans['count_log'] = [math.log(v) for v in ans['word_count']] fig = px.scatter(ans, x='rank_log', y='count_log') fig.update_layout( title=str('単語の出現頻度のヒストグラム'), xaxis_title=str('単語の出現頻度順位'), yaxis_title=str('出現頻度'), width=800, height=600, ) plot(fig, filename='ans_39_plot.html', auto_open=False)